Inspirational resources for writing proposals to apply to conferences
My first application to a conference took me a long time and the result did not excel. Each time I want to apply to a conference again, I try to identify my past failures and recover the good things that I did.
I have learned that in the same way following best practices when programming software reveals your seniority, writing proposals to speak should be an activity debugged by the experiences of others. Here some recommendations inspired in the O’Reilly’s page
* Be sure that your proposal includes: topic + title + motivation + problem statement + approach + results and conclusions.
* Demos are cool, but they can be risky if you are not an experienced speaker. Considering this, they are optional and it is ok if you don’t include them.
* Include a list of key takeaways.
* Let the organizers know which tools you will use.
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More resources at
- Skills Presentation
- Technology Presentation
- Case Study Presentation
- Training Presentation
- Video Samples
- Style Guide and Spelling List (.docx file)