Published inGoogle Cloud - CommunityAugmented Apigee with Platform EngineeringDespite having brilliant solutions in the state of the art of technology, API developers continue experiencing difficulties when they build…Jan 241Jan 241
Published ingoogle-cloud-hispanoamericaApigee Aumentado con Ingeniería de PlataformaAunque el estado del arte en tecnología cuenta con soluciones brillantes en términos de diseño, desarrollo y pruebas de soluciones…Jan 16Jan 16
Published inGoogle Cloud - CommunityApigee: A 2024 of InnovationApigee is Google Cloud’s native management platform for building, managing, and securing application programming interfaces [APIs]…Dec 30, 2024Dec 30, 2024
Bridging the gap between industry and academia in computing science through Chaos EngineeringThere is a lot of discussion about the gaps between industry and academia and the potential solutions to resolve it. Some authors…Dec 24, 2024Dec 24, 2024
Published ingoogle-cloud-hispanoamericaPreguntas para ayudarte a definir un CUJTraducción del artículo: Perguntas para te ajudar a definir uma CUJApr 14, 2024Apr 14, 2024
Published ingoogle-cloud-hispanoamerica¿Cómo desplegar recursos estáticos de una aplicación web usando un bucket privado?Desplegar recursos estáticos [css, archivos javascript o imágenes] en el servicio de Almacenamiento de Google Cloud [referenciado como GCS…Jan 3, 2024Jan 3, 2024
Published ingoogle-cloud-hispanoamericaDistribuyendo Carga en Google Cloud en Porcentajes Diferentes (Traffic Load Balancing)Autor: Matías AlonsoOct 31, 20231Oct 31, 20231
Published ingoogle-cloud-hispanoamericaHistoria, Conceptos & Mejores Prácticas para aprovisionar Observabilidad como CódigoAutores:Jun 7, 2023Jun 7, 2023
How am I preparing my Professional Cloud Security Engineer Certification with Bard?While I was studying for my next certification Professional Cloud Security Engineer I thought that Bard could help me on this path. I…May 21, 20231May 21, 20231